
Installing/Upgrading From the PyPI

$ pip install -U textblob
$ python -m textblob.download_corpora

This will install TextBlob and download the necessary NLTK corpora. If you need to change the default download directory set the NLTK_DATA environment variable.

Downloading the minimum corpora

If you only intend to use TextBlob’s default models (no model overrides), you can pass the lite argument. This downloads only those corpora needed for basic functionality.

$ python -m textblob.download_corpora lite

With conda

TextBlob is also available as a conda package. To install with conda, run

$ conda install -c conda-forge textblob
$ python -m textblob.download_corpora

From Source

TextBlob is actively developed on Github.

You can clone the public repo:

$ git clone

Or download one of the following:

Once you have the source, you can install it into your site-packages with

$ python install

Get the bleeding edge version

To get the latest development version of TextBlob, run

$ pip install -U git+

Migrating from older versions (<=0.7.1)

As of TextBlob 0.8.0, TextBlob’s core package was renamed to textblob, whereas earlier versions used a package called text. Therefore, migrating to newer versions should be as simple as rewriting your imports, like so:


from textblob import TextBlob, Word, Blobber
from textblob.classifiers import NaiveBayesClassifier
from textblob.taggers import NLTKTagger


from text.blob import TextBlob, Word, Blobber
from text.classifiers import NaiveBayesClassifier
from text.taggers import NLTKTagger


TextBlob depends on NLTK 3. NLTK will be installed automatically when you run pip install textblob.

Some features, such as the maximum entropy classifier, require numpy, but it is not required for basic usage.